Tuesday, April 8, 2014

prayer for perspective

Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the LORD. 

Psalm 107:43


My need for wisdom is great. I am a foolish person. I focus on me. My periphery barely extends beyond the reach of my fingers. I can't see beyond the tip of my nose. I am pathetically nearsighted in my "wisdom". It is why I need to attend to the reading, understanding, knowing, and doing of Your Word.

In the pages of Your book, Lord, I read the story of Your steadfast love, played out over generations, through centuries, among nations, to the entire world. It takes me out of my narrow tunnel and gives me the forced perspective that I must have. It opens my eyes to a vast world. I see humanity as You do, at least in part, and my focus shifts beyond me. Help me to always consider these things!


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